sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009

#20: What if...

... I wasn't carved to fit the general profile of getting married, having children and running a house?
... I don't dream about a place of my own?
... I don't think a mortgage is a contract which could provide my independence - ironic afterall?
... I believe I'm not supposed to grow roots anywhere as I don't really belong anywhere?

Why do I have to follow a standard set so long ago? Why do people expect me to? Why can't they admire - or at least respect - the fact that I don't have the average people's dreams?

All I know is that I'm not sure of anything but the fact that I need to feel free.

Having to fight all these concepts of a "successful life" makes me tired. And extremely unhappy.

3 comentários:

  1. Então nem pense sobre as origens desses sonhos pré-fabricados... seria mais atordoante.

  2. Veja bem que uma vida bem sucedida é diferente de uma vida com sucesso (ou de sucessos).

    Pelo menos para mim.
